Football Rest-API/Database
Developed an API that serves as a comprehensive football database, enabling data manipulation through CRUD functions, in order to display information related to players, coaches, and game-associated players.
The objective of this API is to function as a comprehensive football database that provides access to critical information about players, coaches, and games. Initially designed to cater to a small, four-team football league, the API is capable of providing a range of interactions that demonstrate its flexibility with only a handful of players on each team. Additionally, the API has been developed with the primary goal of creating controllers that would be useful to a professional football team.
In order to create a dynamic and useful database, the API has been developed with the use of CRUD operators, which offer functionalities that allow for the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of information related to games, players, and coaches. For instance, these operators can be utilized to create new games in the future, as well as to make changes to the teams by transferring or terminating players and coaches. Overall, this API has the potential to serve as an invaluable tool for football teams looking to manage their operations efficiently.